Meet the man that DARE2DREAM

  • Jermari Young

    Ever since I was a kid, I was always told I'd change the world in some way. Growing up on the west side of Baltimore, there was never a good story being told. Being that I was surrounded by violence, gangs, and drugs. I never succumb to those acts I choose another route, I wanted to change the narrative of the beautiful city I live in. The greatest gift that I was blessed with was the ability to want to help people in any way possible. It took me sometime to truly find the outlet to a better world, but now I believe I found it. At age 19, I've found the way I will positively impact this world is through fashion and motivational reinforcement. My mission is to show the kids before me, my age, after me, and even adults that just because of where your placed on this earth does not mean your destined to be what surrounds you. The life you seek to have starts with the agreement you first make with yourself, and that agreement is simply "BE TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE".

    My mission does not only involve changing the world through fashion but many other things. I aspire to begin a non-profit organization with DARE2DREAM that consist of mentoring, youth summer camps, and group homes. 

    I believe with the support of you that this violent world that we live in can be reshaped into the magnificent planet we wish it to be.